Despite what your mother told you, the first thing people notice about you is not how clean your shoes are, it’s your smile. Your smile is arguably your most memorable feature and, according to a survey undertaken by the American Academy of Dentistry, it is rated to be more powerful than the spoken word.
While we are told not to judge a book by its cover, our instinct is to do just that. Evolution may have taken us out of caves, but we still hold on to ancient urges – to seek out the fit and healthy. The perception is a smile of white teeth indicates good general health and vitality, which goes towards explaining why teeth whitening remains so popular today.
Teeth consist of enamel, dentine and pulp. Enamel is the outer layer of a tooth and is made from calcium phosphate, a naturally white rock-hard mineral that gives teeth their whiteness. Underneath the layer of enamel is dentine, a darker and more yellow tissue. Enamel should last a lifetime but as it gets worn and damaged the dentin becomes more visible.
As we age our enamel becomes thinner and our teeth appear more yellow. This is inevitable, but by eating and drinking healthily, following a good dental hygiene routine, and regularly accessing quality dental care and treatment helps to slow the process.
In short, the stronger and healthier your enamel, the whiter your teeth will be. So white teeth are a symbol of good oral health. When you consider the link between oral health and general health you can see why a smile of white teeth is deemed an asset.
It can be difficult to gauge the best shade of white for your teeth or the best way to achieve your desired look. This is why it’s important to visit one of Duxton Dental’s teeth whitening Christchurch clinics for a free assessment.
There are several ways to whiten your teeth. From accessing hygienist dental services for a scale and polish procedure, the innovative Opalescence teeth whitening system through to the advanced cosmetic dentistry of veneers. Our Riccarton dentists evaluate your teeth and explore the best teeth whitening option to suit your individual needs.
There are home bleaching kits available over the counter; however, they should be used with great caution. They can result in unnecessary permanent damage to tooth enamel, decay or teeth that look translucent or iridescent – not the look you want to be aiming for.
A professional teeth whitening dentist will advise you on how white you should go, their opinion based on years of experience. Typically, a change of just two or three shades makes a great difference to the brightness of your smile. While you want to see a significant difference to how white your teeth are, there needs to be balance – too white and your smile risks becoming noticeable for all the wrong reasons!
Duxton Dental are passionate about helping their patients achieve the smile they desire. To book your free consultation in our teeth whitening Christchurch clinic, call us now on 03 348 5488 or contact us online by clicking here.
Grahame Dutton
Christine Duxbury
Hayley Hall
Rhonda Gooding
Bayley Anderson