When your dentist recommends that you or your child needs orthodontic treatment, you may be feeling a little pensive about the realities of living with braces. It’s natural to feel anxious about the unknown, especially when there are so many myths that have developed around orthodontic braces.
Over the years of practicing, we have heard an amazing and diverse collection of myths about orthodontic braces from our patients, so to finally put these tales to bed, here are the most common myths and the truths behind them:
The advances in dental technology have made a significant impact on how orthodontic braces feel for the patient. There is no longer just the one orthodontic treatment solution to straighten a smile. You have options: traditional metal braces or Invisalign clear aligners. The good news is that technology informs the level of adjustments required so your teeth are moved with minimal discomfort – you really don’t need to suffer for your smile.
Cost is a major influencer in your decision to have orthodontic braces. You may have heard how much a friend has paid for theirs and be quietly put off. However, each patient is an individual with specific oral needs and requirements that is unique to them. For example, if you require orthodontic surgery, costs are naturally going to be higher than someone who needs orthodontic braces alone. It is unlikely that your needs will match your friends! The only way to get an accurate price for the orthodontic treatment you need is to come in for an appointment with one of our Christchurch orthodontic team.
At Duxton Dental we combine our commitment to our patients’ wellbeing with innovative technology to provide first-class dental treatment to enhance our patients’ smiles.
Contact us today at our Riccarton dental clinic to organise an appointment to see which orthodontic treatment (if any) is best for you.
Grahame Dutton
Christine Duxbury
Hayley Hall
Rhonda Gooding
Bayley Anderson