The best deal online for clear braces to perfect your smile. Save up to 60% on clear braces! The cheapest teeth straighteners in the southern hemisphere!
Now we have your attention!
If you have clicked on this article in response to this sensationalist title, this article is written especially for you.
Here is a story you may be able to relate to:
Annie has wanted straight teeth since she was a teen, but she thinks the cost is too much to comfortably afford. She Googles ‘where to get cheap clear braces’ and comes across a website that details how she can get DIY clear aligners to straighten her teeth and save hundreds of dollars. Her interest is piqued. She wants in. She sends the company impressions of her teeth and some pictures too – just so they can get an idea of how she looks when she smiles. The custom-made factory manufactured aligners are posted back to her, and she lives happily ever after with a very straight smile.
Unfortunately, the reality of many patients who have taken the cheapest clear braces route is far from Annie’s happy ending, and the pitfalls of using them far outweigh the potential benefits.
A respected dentist will always be honest and transparent about the results a patient can expect. A website using stock photos of beautiful smiles and perfectly straight teeth does not reflect what can realistically be achieved with your own teeth. Yes, often Hollywood smiles are achievable but only through dental treatment from highly skilled orthodontic and cosmetic dentists. (Click here to see how you could look with straighter teeth!)
Regularly visiting a qualified dentist for dental care means they have historic records of your oral and dental health. They monitor changes to your mouth to provide the best dental treatment for your individual needs. Gum disease, decay, cavities, and stress points can be exacerbated by ill-fitting aligners. For clear braces to be a long-term success, it’s crucial you have access to your dentist to advise if problems occur. A script reading customer service agent is no replacement for a dental professional – any issues that crop up can be dealt with swiftly to avoid any future costly complications.
Improving your smile can often help boost your self-esteem and have a positive impact on your home and work life. But your teeth are not simply visual props for your smile, they play vital roles in helping you eat and speak – the mechanics of chewing food and being able to articulate words is down to the correct positioning of your teeth. Creating aligners without understanding fully the malalignment of your teeth can cause serious long term dental problems.
Clear aligners are an alternative to ‘train track’ orthodontic braces, and the best are the branded Invisalign braces. Using the latest dental innovations and technologies, orthodontists are now able to straighten teeth in a quicker and less intrusive way – the ideal clear braces for adults and image conscious teens. However, where there is success, there will always be imitators.
So, before you click through to a link promising you the cheapest clear braces, you need to understand the pitfalls of taking this route. Duxton Dental are a family dentist based in Riccarton, Christchurch, we don’t claim to provide the cheapest clear braces in NZ, however we do deliver fantastic safe, monitored, and beautiful smiles to last a lifetime. Contact us today or call 03 348 5488 and make an appointment to learn more how we can help you achieve the perfect smile.
Grahame Dutton
Christine Duxbury
Hayley Hall
Rhonda Gooding
Bayley Anderson